10 Social Security Administration Offices Near 56007
(Albert Lea / Manchester)

20 miles from 56007

404 2nd St Nw

Austin, MN 55912

Phone: 866-504-5010

Fax: 833-950-2178

36 miles from 56007

625 Village Grn Dr Sw

Mason City, IA 50401

Phone: 866-365-6708

Fax: 833-515-0435

47 miles from 56007

12 Civic Cntr Plz

Ste 1550 Mankato Pl

Mankato, MN 56001

Phone: 877-457-1734

Fax: 833-902-2694

55 miles from 56007

400 S State St

Ste 70

Fairmont, MN 56031

Phone: 877-405-0414

Fax: 833-950-2182

57 miles from 56007

2443 Clare Ln Ne

Ste 100

Rochester, MN 55906

Phone: 877-405-3631

Fax: 833-950-2180

81 miles from 56007

6161 American Blvd W

Ste 100

Bloomington, MN 55438

Phone: 866-964-7341

Fax: 833-950-3409

82 miles from 56007

317 Washington St

Ste 1

Decorah, IA 52101

Phone: 855-221-3525

Fax: 833-950-2934

89 miles from 56007

2315 2nd Ave North

Fort Dodge, IA 50501

Phone: 866-839-6193

Fax: 833-515-0433

89 miles from 56007

53 E Third St

Choate Bldg/ste 307

Winona, MN 55987

Phone: 877-600-2853

Fax: 833-902-2698

91 miles from 56007

1811 Chicago Ave

Ste 1

Minneapolis, MN 55404

Phone: 855-257-0982

Fax: 833-902-2688

Are you looking for information about Social Security in Albert Lea, MN? As of 2021, the estimated population of Albert Lea is just over 17,000. Luckily, there are a number of resources available to help you navigate your Social Security benefits and Medicare options in the area. PrepareforSocialSecurity.com offers the Social Security Office Finder to help you locate the nearest Social Security office to you in Albert Lea. Did you know that Albert Lea is home to America's first 'Interstate' highway? US Highway 16 was designated an interstate highway in 1958, pre-dating the establishment of the Interstate Highway System in 1956.

The above results show that there are several Social Security Offices around the 56007 area in Albert Lea, Minnesota.

Albert Lea is located in Freeborn County. Pick out a Social Security Administration Office from the above list, which contains information about how many miles each Social Security office location is from Albert Lea and in which direction, so you can figure out which location is closest to your home!

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