The easiest way to find out which Social Security Offices are located in Alaska is to search for a Social Security Office Near Me on There are currently 3 Social Security Offices in the state of Alaska.
Once you are on this page, you can click on each of the offices and find out their physical address via Google Maps, along with the Social Security office phone number. We also list the hours of operation for the SSA Office near you. You can decide which office to drive to by finding a SSA office location that is closest to your home.
You’ll need to walk into a Social Security Office and visit in person if you need to physically show your Social Security card or if you need to sign papers in-person that need to be witnessed by a Social Security representative. To find out if the service you need must be an in-person appointment, call the primary Social Security Office at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) between 8:00 am to 7:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
While you can walk-in to a Social Security Office, you’ll want to make an appointment online. The wait can very long if you don’t have an appointment. You may wind up spending much of your day at your local Social Security office if you don’t have an appointment ahead of time!
Before coming to an office in-person, you’ll want to visit the government’s Emergency page to check the status of your local Social Security Office. This website will give you information on emergency closures and other information on closures in offices near you.
Be aware that Social Security Offices are busiest first thing in the morning and early in the week. In addition, avoid taking a trip to the office during the first week of the month. Instead, visit your local Social Security office later in the day and later in the week, such as on a Thursday or Friday. Keep that in mind when making your appointments, so you don’t have to wait in long lines if you walk in or sit for a while waiting for your appointment.
If you visit an office, you’ll need to remember that you may need to complete a self-assessment checklist to see if it is safe to enter an office. In addition, everyone may be required to wear a mask while visiting the office. If you don’t have a mask, one will be provided for you at your local office in Alaska.
Please remember that you may have to wait outside if there is no space in your local office, so plan for the weather. You can always call your local office ahead of time to find out if there is a possibility of waiting outside. If there is and you’re unable to wait outside, try another Social Security Office near you or go online to see if you can take care of your Social Security needs without having to drive to your local office.
You’ll need to come alone to your Social Security office visit because of the limited space. You can bring another caregiver if you require assistance with your visit. However, only one adult can join you during your visit to your local Social Security Office.
Social Security Offices have improved services for in-person visitors waiting outside. For example, some offices have outdoor canopies and fans. Other office locations are reconfiguring the waiting areas to allow more people to enter the office. They have also expanded the use of mobile check-in to notify customers on their mobile phones when the office is ready for their appointment.
If you’re not sure what services your local Alaska office offers, or if there is an option to wait inside, make sure to call your local Social Security office to find out more details. Calling the main number listed below will bring you to the main office, which will not be able to give you detailed information about your local office circumstances.
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Akutan, AK Social Security
Cold Bay, AK Social Security
False Pass, AK Social Security
King Cove, AK Social Security
Nelson Lagoon, AK Social Security
Sand Point, AK Social Security
Adak, AK Social Security
Atka, AK Social Security
Attu Station, AK Social Security
Dutch Harbor, AK Social Security
Nikolski, AK Social Security
Saint George Island, AK Social Security
St. George, AK Social Security
St. Paul, AK Social Security
Unalaska, AK Social Security
Girdwood, AK Social Security
Indian, AK Social Security
Akiachak, AK Social Security
Akiak, AK Social Security
Aniak, AK Social Security
Atmautluak, AK Social Security
Chefornak, AK Social Security
Chuathbaluk, AK Social Security
Crooked Creek, AK Social Security
Eek, AK Social Security
Goodnews Bay, AK Social Security
Kalskag, AK Social Security
Kasigluk, AK Social Security
Kipnuk, AK Social Security
Kongiganak, AK Social Security
Kwethluk, AK Social Security
Kwigillingok, AK Social Security
Lime Village, AK Social Security
Lower Kalskag, AK Social Security
Mekoryuk, AK Social Security
Napakiak, AK Social Security
Napaskiak, AK Social Security
Newtok, AK Social Security
Nightmute, AK Social Security
Nunapitchuk, AK Social Security
Oscarville, AK Social Security
Platinum, AK Social Security
Quinhagak, AK Social Security
Red Devil, AK Social Security
Sleetmute, AK Social Security
Stony River, AK Social Security
Toksook Bay, AK Social Security
Tuluksak, AK Social Security
Tuntutuliak, AK Social Security
Tununak, AK Social Security
Upper Kalskag, AK Social Security
King Salmon, AK Social Security
Naknek, AK Social Security
South Naknek, AK Social Security
Anderson, AK Social Security
Cantwell, AK Social Security
Clear, AK Social Security
Denali National Park, AK Social Security
Denali Park, AK Social Security
Ferry, AK Social Security
Healy, AK Social Security
Aleknagik, AK Social Security
Clark's Point, AK Social Security
Dillingham, AK Social Security
Ekwok, AK Social Security
Koliganek, AK Social Security
Manokotak, AK Social Security
New Stuyahok, AK Social Security
Portage Creek, AK Social Security
Togiak, AK Social Security
Twin Hills, AK Social Security
Eielson AFB, AK Social Security
Ester, AK Social Security
Farmers Loop, AK Social Security
Fox, AK Social Security
Goldstream, AK Social Security
Harding-Birch Lakes, AK Social Security
Moose Creek, AK Social Security
North Pole, AK Social Security
Pleasant Valley, AK Social Security
Salcha, AK Social Security
South Van Horn, AK Social Security
Two Rivers, AK Social Security
Covenant Life, AK Social Security
Excursion Inlet, AK Social Security
Haines, AK Social Security
Lutak, AK Social Security
Mosquito Lake, AK Social Security
Mud Bay, AK Social Security
Angoon, AK Social Security
Elfin Cove, AK Social Security
Gustavus, AK Social Security
Hoonah, AK Social Security
Klukwan, AK Social Security
Pelican, AK Social Security
Tenakee Springs, AK Social Security
Anchor Point, AK Social Security
Bear Creek, AK Social Security
Beluga, AK Social Security
Clam Gulch, AK Social Security
Cohoe, AK Social Security
Cooper Landing, AK Social Security
Crown Point, AK Social Security
Diamond Ridge, AK Social Security
Fox River, AK Social Security
Fritz Creek, AK Social Security
Funny River, AK Social Security
Halibut Cove, AK Social Security
Happy Valley, AK Social Security
Hope, AK Social Security
Kachemak, AK Social Security
Kasilof, AK Social Security
Lowell Point, AK Social Security
Moose Pass, AK Social Security
Nanwalek, AK Social Security
Nikiski, AK Social Security
Nikolaevsk, AK Social Security
Ninilchik, AK Social Security
Port Graham, AK Social Security
Primrose, AK Social Security
Ridgeway, AK Social Security
Salamatof, AK Social Security
Seldovia, AK Social Security
Seldovia Village, AK Social Security
Seward, AK Social Security
Sterling, AK Social Security
Sunrise, AK Social Security
Tyonek, AK Social Security
Akhiok, AK Social Security
Aleneva, AK Social Security
Karluk, AK Social Security
Kodiak Station, AK Social Security
Larsen Bay, AK Social Security
Old Harbor, AK Social Security
Ouzinkie, AK Social Security
Port Lions, AK Social Security
Womens Bay, AK Social Security
Alakanuk, AK Social Security
Chevak, AK Social Security
Emmonak, AK Social Security
Hooper Bay, AK Social Security
Kotlik, AK Social Security
Marshall, AK Social Security
Mountain Village, AK Social Security
Nunam Iqua, AK Social Security
Pilot Station, AK Social Security
Pitkas Point, AK Social Security
Russian Mission, AK Social Security
Scammon Bay, AK Social Security
St. Mary's, AK Social Security
Chignik, AK Social Security
Chignik Lagoon, AK Social Security
Chignik Lake, AK Social Security
Egegik, AK Social Security
Igiugig, AK Social Security
Iliamna, AK Social Security
Kokhanok, AK Social Security
Levelock, AK Social Security
Newhalen, AK Social Security
Nondalton, AK Social Security
Pedro Bay, AK Social Security
Perryville, AK Social Security
Pilot Point, AK Social Security
Port Alsworth, AK Social Security
Port Heiden, AK Social Security
Ugashik, AK Social Security
Big Lake, AK Social Security
Buffalo Soapstone, AK Social Security
Butte, AK Social Security
Chickaloon, AK Social Security
Farm Loop, AK Social Security
Glacier View, AK Social Security
Houston, AK Social Security
Knik River, AK Social Security
Lazy Mountain, AK Social Security
Point MacKenzie, AK Social Security
Skwentna, AK Social Security
Susitna North, AK Social Security
Sutton, AK Social Security
Sutton-Alpine, AK Social Security
Talkeetna, AK Social Security
Trapper Creek, AK Social Security
Willow, AK Social Security
Brevig Mission, AK Social Security
Diomede, AK Social Security
Elim, AK Social Security
Gambell, AK Social Security
Golovin, AK Social Security
Koyuk, AK Social Security
Nome, AK Social Security
Port Clarence, AK Social Security
Savoonga, AK Social Security
Shaktoolik, AK Social Security
Shishmaref, AK Social Security
St. Michael, AK Social Security
Stebbins, AK Social Security
Teller, AK Social Security
Unalakleet, AK Social Security
Wales, AK Social Security
White Mountain, AK Social Security
Anaktuvuk Pass, AK Social Security
Atqasuk, AK Social Security
Barrow, AK Social Security
Kaktovik, AK Social Security
Nuiqsut, AK Social Security
Point Hope, AK Social Security
Point Lay, AK Social Security
Prudhoe Bay, AK Social Security
Utqiagvik, AK Social Security
Wainwright, AK Social Security
Ambler, AK Social Security
Buckland, AK Social Security
Deering, AK Social Security
Kiana, AK Social Security
Kivalina, AK Social Security
Kobuk, AK Social Security
Kotzebue, AK Social Security
Noatak, AK Social Security
Noorvik, AK Social Security
Red Dog Mine, AK Social Security
Selawik, AK Social Security
Shungnak, AK Social Security
Kupreanof, AK Social Security
Petersburg, AK Social Security
Coffman Cove, AK Social Security
Craig, AK Social Security
Edna Bay, AK Social Security
Hollis, AK Social Security
Hydaburg, AK Social Security
Hyder, AK Social Security
Kake, AK Social Security
Kasaan, AK Social Security
Klawock, AK Social Security
Metlakatla, AK Social Security
Naukati Bay, AK Social Security
Point Baker, AK Social Security
Port Alexander, AK Social Security
Thorne Bay, AK Social Security
Whale Pass, AK Social Security
Skagway, AK Social Security
Alcan Border, AK Social Security
Big Delta, AK Social Security
Chicken, AK Social Security
Delta Junction, AK Social Security
Deltana, AK Social Security
Dot Lake Village, AK Social Security
Dry Creek, AK Social Security
Eagle, AK Social Security
Eagle Village, AK Social Security
Fort Greely, AK Social Security
Healy Lake, AK Social Security
Northway, AK Social Security
Tanacross, AK Social Security
Tetlin, AK Social Security
Tok, AK Social Security
Whitestone, AK Social Security
Chenega, AK Social Security
Chistochina, AK Social Security
Chitina, AK Social Security
Copper Center, AK Social Security
Cordova, AK Social Security
Gakona, AK Social Security
Glennallen, AK Social Security
Gulkana, AK Social Security
Kenny Lake, AK Social Security
Mendeltna, AK Social Security
Mentasta Lake, AK Social Security
Nelchina, AK Social Security
Silver Springs, AK Social Security
Tatitlek, AK Social Security
Tazlina, AK Social Security
Tonsina, AK Social Security
Valdez, AK Social Security
Whittier, AK Social Security
Meyers Chuck, AK Social Security
Wrangell, AK Social Security
Yakutat, AK Social Security
Alatna, AK Social Security
Allakaket, AK Social Security
Anvik, AK Social Security
Arctic Village, AK Social Security
Beaver, AK Social Security
Bettles, AK Social Security
Bettles Field, AK Social Security
Birch Creek, AK Social Security
Central, AK Social Security
Chalkyitsik, AK Social Security
Circle, AK Social Security
Coldfoot, AK Social Security
Evansville, AK Social Security
Fort Yukon, AK Social Security
Four Mile Road, AK Social Security
Galena, AK Social Security
Grayling, AK Social Security
Holy Cross, AK Social Security
Hughes, AK Social Security
Huslia, AK Social Security
Kaltag, AK Social Security
Koyukuk, AK Social Security
Lake Minchumina, AK Social Security
Livengood, AK Social Security
Manley Hot Springs, AK Social Security
McGrath, AK Social Security
McGrath, AK Social Security
Minto, AK Social Security
Nenana, AK Social Security
Nikolai, AK Social Security
Nulato, AK Social Security
Rampart, AK Social Security
Ruby, AK Social Security
Shageluk, AK Social Security
Stevens Village, AK Social Security
Takotna, AK Social Security
Tanana, AK Social Security
Venetie, AK Social Security
Wiseman, AK Social Security
Matt Feret is the author of the Prepare for Social Security - The Insider’s Guide and the Prepare for Medicare - The Insider’s Guide book series and launched and to help people get objective answers to questions about Social Security and Medicare. Matt is also the host of The Matt Feret Show. He has held leadership roles at numerous Fortune 500 Medicare health insurers in sales, marketing, operations, product development, and strategy for over two decades.